28 January 2010

filming tree shots

Our planned date to go out a shoot the tree and branch shot on monday was re-scheduled to the next day, tuesday 26th. The other members of my group could get to the location or has other commitments so i decided we would split our responsibilities where i would film and record the sounds, help guide the editing and Lewis would piece together the shots and work with the music and Stuart would edit the shots with him and match up colours, and change the look of the flashback shots.
On tuesday i booked out the camera and set off to the location straight after-school to catch the sunlight before it goes down because at this time of year, then sun goes down early. I set up the stand and my chosen point to film, and discovered the camera had no battery. this delayed the filming further as by the time it was charged, outside was too dark for me to shoot. The effect of morning light is hard to get after midday but after college finishes is the only time i have free to shoot. I have re-scheduled the filming again to the following Thursday 28th. This means our rough cut due friday will be very limited but our group is using the time we have to achieve the right effects on the shots we already have, and we are currently marginalizing them and putting them in our decided order.

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