Our group discussed our final idea which changed as we went through the process of imagining each frame of the start of a story we were creating
1. edge of woods
2. closer into the woods
3. further into the woods
4. dark tree's
5. LA of tree's
6. Title - black background
7. blanc screen
8. C.U hands tied behind back
9. flashback - feet being dragged along floor
10. S.R.S hands tied behind back
11. pan from hands to back of head
12. flashback - body being dragged
13. pan from head to gagged mouth
14. flashback - mans hands tying gag
15. features of her face twitching
16. disorientating tree's
17. moving branches
18. LS of body on floor
19. disorientating tree's
20. struggling to break free
21. flashback - ECU red lips sipping wine
22. ECU gagged lips (contrast shot)
23. POV fast panning of branches above her
24. CU of her face, eyes flash open